Wow, what a week it was! I had such a hard time each day with getting an IV inserted. My left arm can only handle the IV since I have no lymph nodes on my right side. It took nearly 20 sticks in order to get the IV set up thoughout the week. You can imagine what my arm looks like... and feels like. Twice I had IV therapy come.
Energy and Anxiety
My energy levels dipped the first couple of days but on the weekend, my energy was great! I did have anxiety really bad Thursday night and on the weekend on and off.
Dystonia and Pain
I had some dystonia on Thursday and spasming on Friday in my left leg and toes... mostly anxiety though even when I woke up... it was awful. I took Valerian root capsules and they helped so much. Saturday afternoon I felt great and enjoyed a little lunch with friends who are family.
Monday - Driving- Stress on my Body- Cold
Today I went into the office. I was very busy. From the beginning of the day I had knawing in my left side. Mid day, my back and ribs were spasming horribly and stiffening. It was painful. When I got home I started having an episode that I couldn't calm down. I took 1 Baclofen and 1 Clonazepam. I was in so much horrific pain. I couldn't get it to stop. I took 1 each of those again and drank water, tried to walk it off, covered my leg in 2 warm blankets and turned in the fireplace. After 45 minutes... the pain was a level 2... and just back to my side and leg being tender and knawing... I cried. I wailed. It was intense and ugly and awful.
I Cried.
I want this to end. It's horrible.
I feel like I'm stuck in a nightmare that I can't escape.
My prayer is that relief is found somehow. 🙏