I haven't written in a bit only because symptoms have been fierce. Still a few more questions to be answered.
This week I have a spine appointment to talk about the adult on-set scoliosis that started to develop in 2013.
Other than this, I have PT, therapy, and Mayo Neuro had diagnosed me with FND.
This diagnosis is tough. I have lots of neuro symptoms. This week my newest and scariest symptoms include blurred vision, neck pain, and I had another paralysis event.
It's exhausting. Trying to remain positive and focus on wellness and diet as much as possible.
Twice per week I do warm water therapy, each week day I try to do 3-10 minute intervals of seated elliptical.
I hope to start yoga once my son's schooling is out for the summer.
There are some great meditation apps that I've been using.
And Spotify is amazing for listening to calming music at night.
Leave me a message if you have a wellness tip.