Friday, 3/26 was our 4th and final test day at Mayo. I was scheduled for a nerve and muscular conduction test in the movement lab in the morning. This was the test we checkered for on Thursday but everything was taken up in Thursday but we were so grateful for the team getting us in on Friday.
The test checked for sound stimuli response on my CNS, Central Nervous System. It also checked stimuli and other strength of my nerves. It was a painless test and my job was to lay at rest and relax with electrodes measuring my response to stimuli.
This was the third and final test for now. Results will be discussed in a video, virtual visit on Friday, 4/9.
The blood work will take 2 weeks to receive back.
The Mayo Clinic has a customized patient portal that connects to the Epic, EHR (Electronic Health Record) system where all medical and billing data is housed.
For my readers who are planning to connect to the Mayo Clinic, check to see if your current provider uses Epic as their EHR. Most hospitals do. Call to speak with their HIM team, which is Health Information Management Team or Medical Records and have your Epic chart connected to the Mayo Clinic once you have an appointment set up.
It's so helpful to have all records connected.
Flying out today.
More information about Mayo and lessons learned and reflections coming later this week in future blogs.
Keep pushing through if you are fighting chronic pain or illness. I know it's not easy. But let's move these mountains together. Feel free to email me and I'm happy just to talk and listen if you need someone.
Remember, God's timing is perfect. We are His children. He doesn't promise an easy walk but promises He'll walk alongside us.
Con el tiempo todo se consigue. This quote literally translates to, “In time, everything is acquired.” But more accurately, this quotation tells us that patience is key to getting what you want in life.